St. Louis, MO & How I began to travel alone!

So.......... a lot of people ask me why I travel alone and why I am not afraid to travel alone. This traveling frenzy began when I was dating a guy who lived in St.Louis. He visited me and I purchased a ticket to visit him. We broke up two weeks before ...
He visited me and I purchased a ticket to visit him. We broke up two weeks before .. I was supposed to go to St. Louis. At first I wasn't going to go because I was upset. However, I didn't want to waste another plane ticket due to canceled plans.  

Best decision of my life. After going to St.Louis, I realized that I can travel safe, have fun and travel on a budget.

I am going to write a blog entitled tips and tricks of traveling alone.

The Hilton St.Louis Airport Hotel

Forest Park

Entry to St.Louis Art Musuem
 St. Louis Art Museum - A Few exhibits
 St. Louis Art Museum - A Few exhibits

#Selfie It was like 100 degrees

 The Arch

The best Mexican food that I ever had. Thanks to Yelp. 
Leaving St. Louis & The second best breakfast restaurant, thanks to Yelp!

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